
The principal element of endodontics is to treat and prevent infections of the root canal system, allowing the patient to retain their natural dentition and chewing ability for a lifetime.

Endodontics has been advanced in the last decade by improved instrumention, techniques and materials – and especially with the routine use of the operating microscope. With high magnification and an excellent light source, endodontists can visualise much more than ever before. Reliance on radiographs to discover the anatomy of the often complex root canal system is reduced and procedures that before relied on experienced guesswork can now be achieved with greater predictability.

Cleaning and sterilisation of instruments has been taken to a new level since prions became an issue. If instruments are not disposable, they are put through a rigorous cycle using ultrasonics cleaners and high temperature washer/disinfecter (super dishwasher) for instrument debridement and then sterilised using vacuum steam sterilisation. All endodontic files are disposed of after single use.

Useful references: